Friday, August 1, 2014

Over Feeding the Lies

Intentional deception, purposeful decit, and falsehood are all part of a lie. What about the lies that people are not aware of? What about those ideas, thoughts, and beliefs that people think are true?

There are many people in this world that have believed lies that have damaged their lives, their minds, and their hearts. It happens everyday. Many of them have no clue that they have accepted a lie at all.
The list of lies could be eternal, much like the character of a lie itself if allowed to persist. Many people will continue to feed a lie over and over again, subconsciously aware of what they are doing. One single moment someone can think "I'm Ugly," or "I'm Stupid" or a variety of other negative thoughts. Once they accept that lie as truth, they begin to feed it.

The individual will look at their life for evidence that what they say is true. If someone states that a different color is more flattering than the one that the individual is currently wearing, the individual can immediately twist that statement into "You Are Ugly." It is sad, but true. Anyone can suddenly fall into this trap of lies, and continue to struggle with seeing who they really are for years. Some may never ever figure it out in this life.

The truth is that everyone is perfectly and wonderfully themselves. Of course we can all improve, but we are just as God made us, and we are growing and developing just like he knew we would. It takes effort, but it is possible to undo the lies that we have believed. The first step is to identify the lie. The truth is that you are beautiful, attractive, smart, intelligent, strong, good, and so much more!

Many people have found it very effective to talk to themselves in the mirror everyday. They tell themselves, "I Love You So Very Much!" "You are doing so great with your current project!" Any positive statement can be used. And each time that someone sees their own reflection, they should say it again and again. Eventually, they awaken that part of them that knows the truth. And they become happier and are ready to continue to strive to reach their full potential. We stand in our own way to success. If there is something that we really want, and we really believe that we are worthy of it, and that we can have it, we will.

Some things make take longer than others to achieve, but whatever we focus on, we will become. If we want happiness, to have good friends, to accomplish goals, then we must uproot the lies that are preventing us from doing so. Finding lies is a process, it is much like anything else that deals with self-discovery and progress, it is like an onion. You go through it one layer at a time.

Many people are amazed at the changes that take place within them and in their daily lives when they take the time to apply this principle of positive thinking. We really can create the world that we live in. It really has a lot to do with ur own perspectives.